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General information about tennis rackets
Head Size
The club head size is the size of the clubface of a tennis racket. It is given in cm² or in inch²; 1 inch² = 6.45 cm². The common racket models today range in size from approx. 90 in² to 115 in².
  • Medium to large racket head sizes, a medium to wide frame, low racket weight, and a top-heavy tennis racket are especially recommended for players with a slower knockdown speed and a shorter roll-out and swing-through motion.
  • Medium to small club heads, a narrow frame, a medium to high racket weight and a grip-heavy to balanced tennis racket are especially recommended for players with a high hammering speed and a long swing motion.
  • Small club head sizes are usually chosen by very experienced (competitive) players who are technically able to hit the ball optimally.
There are four different club head sizes:
  • Midsize (Mid): small club head size (<96 inch² or 625 cm²)
  • Midplus (MP): standard club head size (97 - 105 inch² or 626 - 677 cm²)
  • Oversize (OS): large club head size (106 - 115 inch² or 678 - 742 cm²)
  • Super Oversize: very large club head size (> 116 inch² or 748 cm²)
A rule of thumb:
Big club head = more acceleration
Small club head = more control
Sweet spot
The sweet spot refers to the optimal hit surface of a tennis racket. In this area, the greatest impact accuracy and the largest ball acceleration can be generated. The sweet spot is mainly dependent on the club head size, but also on the weight, the weight distribution and the stringing hardness. So a tennis racket with a big club head has a big sweet spot. If the ball hits the sweet spot, the vibrations caused by the impact are the lowest. If the ball hits outside the sweet spot, it loses precision and control.
Frame length
The frame length is measured from the top of the head to the handle cap. The standard length is 68.5 cm. For the tournament athlete, the frame length should be between 27 inches and 29 inches (68.6 cm and 73.7 cm). Longer rackets give more power by prolonged leverage, but are harder to move and change the distance to the point of the tennis ball.
Frame profile
The frame profile or frame thickness describes the width of the frame of a tennis racket and is given in millimeters. The frame profile can be measured by placing the racquet flat on the ground and measuring the height from the bottom of the frame to the top of the frame. The thinner the frame profile, the more compact the tennis racket. In other words, a thick frame profile will yield less and lose less energy during impact, which can accelerate more.

A rule of thumb:
Larger frame profile = more acceleration
Smaller frame profile = more control

Which frame profile has which advantages?
  • 17.0 mm - 20.9 mm - Tennis rackets with a lot of control
  • 21.0 mm - 22.9 mm - Tennis rackets with average control
  • 23.0 mm - 26.9 mm - All-round tennis rackets
  • 27.0 mm - 28.9 mm - Tennis rackets with average power
  • > 29.0 mm - Tennis rackets with lots of power
String pattern
The stringing pattern of a tennis racket is given in the format of the longitudinal string / cross string. The stringing 16/19 means that the racket has 16 main strings and 19 cross strings.
Open string picture (16/19)
  • large distances between the strings
  • in Sweet spot the distances are over 5mm
  • der Ball trifft bei dem Aufprall tiefer in die Saiten ein
  • high swirl transfer to the ball
Tight / closed string picture (18/20)
  • many strings in relation to the clubface
  • in Sweet spot the distances are under 5mm
  • in a crash, several strings share the load
  • tight meshing makes it difficult to slip the strings - can lead to a longer durability of the string
  • good control of the ball but less spin
The weight of tennis rackets is given in grams. Basically, a heavy racket provides more control and more power.
Important: The weight distribution is different for each racket. To find the ideal tennis racket for you, you should try different clubs.

When do I speak of a light or heavy tennis racket?
  • > 325 g = very heavy tennis racket
  • 325 bis 300 g = heavy racket
  • 300 bis 280 g = average heavy racket
  • 280 bis 260 g = relatively light tennis racket
  • 260 bis 240 g = lighter tennis racket
  • 240 bis 220 g = very light racket
  • < 220 g = extremely lightweight tennis racket
Balance point
Balance point is the point at which the racquet is in equilibrium. The balance point is given in centimeters. Determine the center of gravity of a tennis racket by placing the tennis racket on the outstretched index finger and balancing.There are three different types of balance: top-heavy, grip-rich and balanced. The balance point is always measured from the grip. For balanced tennis rackets, the balance point is approximately 320 mm (+/- 5 mm). If the center of gravity is below it, the club is referred to as grip-heavy. If this is above, one speaks of a top-heavy racket. Top-heavy tennis rackets have a higher impact power. Grip-heavy tennis rackets give the player more control in the swing. Balanced tennis rackets offer a mix of power and control.
The club head size, balance point and weight of a tennis racket affect the control, power and precision of a tennis racket. Finally, when making a purchase, you should always follow your individual playful and technical abilities.

A rule of thumb:
Top heavy club = more acceleration
Grip heavy racket = more control
We recommend that you extensively test a tennis racket. Only after a longer playing time will a feeling for the new racquet develop.
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